University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
What the facility does

Supports a community of scholars, students and technology designers in the study of technology enhanced learning across formal and informal environments.

Areas of expertise

The ENCORE Lab was established in 2006 as a research group interested in collaborative and collective forms of inquiry learning where teachers and students engage as a knowledge community. We investigate a pedagogical model called Knowledge Community and Inquiry (KCI), where students and teacher work collectively to advance their understandings of complex science topics. Our designs emphasize the role of technology for scaffolding knowledge construction and inquiry processes, integrating a variety of tools and platforms, including data mining, and the use of intelligent agents to support the orchestration of our complex inquiry designs. Current research includes the use of tangible and embodied interactions, user-contributed materials, and immersive environments to support inquiry learning.

Research services

Technology and media design; Learning environment design; K-12 learning; maker-spaces; science education

Sectors of application
  • Education
  • Information and communication technologies and media


Distributed Learning Environment

  • Smart, Inc.



Professor Jim Slotta on space, classroom technologies, and learning communities.
