Green Homes

George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario
What the facility does

This lab is equipped to prepare new construction and green technologies for manufacturing through monitoring, materials testing, demonstrations and prototyping

Areas of expertise

Ninety percent of residential construction firms are small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with less than five employees, making significant research and development an unfeasible burden. George Brown College's Green Homes initiative addresses this innovation gap by providing SME partners and students with increased opportunities to pursue applied research projects, resulting in regional economic development and graduate job readiness.

Research services

Laboratory and field testing, Manufacturing-systems testing, Technology demonstrations, Commercialization, Real-time sensor analysis, Remote data collection, Development of innovative materials and methodologies, Indoor air-pollution monitoring and testing, Prototyping, Urban sustainability, Home retrofit

Sectors of application
  • Clean technology
  • Construction (including building, civil engineering, specialty trades)
  • Consumer durables
  • Consumer non-durables
  • Energy
  • Environmental technologies and related services
  • Manufacturing and processing
Specialized labEquipment
Materials Testing Lab

Tools for testing of building materials include:

  • M-6 air meter pressure type kit
  • ACM-32 metal slump cone
  • M-250 concrete rebound hammer (Swiss hammer)
  • HM-69 Rapid RH™ System
  • H-3050 Vicat consistency apparatus
  • SS-15 Gilson 8" sieve shaker
  • S-200 Dynamic Cone Penetrometer and hand auger set
  • S-215 Static Cone Penetrometer with dial indicator
  • Soil strength classifiers 350 lbf/160 kgf capacity (HM-216)
  • H-4230 liquid limit machine without counter
  • H-4253 plastic limit test set
  • H-4244 1,000 mL glass hydrometer jar
  • Sonic ranging sensor, model SR50A SDI -12, 232 or 485 output
  • Sonic ranging sensor tower mount, model SR50ATOM SDI-12, 232 or 485 output


Measurement and Sensor Lab components:

  • Digital multimeter, 8½ digit, model 3458A
  • 250-watt DC electronic load, model 6063B (x4)
  • Power supply, 600V, 5.5A, 3300W, model N8742A
  • PV analyzer, wireless sensor, data analysis tool and leads model
  • PVA-600
  • FLUKE 1555 insulation resistance tester
  • FLUKE 1621KIT ground resistance tester


Technology Access Lab
  • Network components and lab equipment
  • Printers for printing both documents and drawings
  • Remote research/testing VLANs (25 sites) to provide private networks for remote sites
  • Workstations used as drop-in/hoteling space for in-lab network admin, development, testing and administration work
  • Computers and laptops equipped for design, testing and building automation
  • WUFI and AutoCAD software
  • Digital projectors
  • Smartphones (for testing and development of smartphone-based energy-management applications)
Research GBC: SOS Project
Research GBC: H20 Project
Research GBC: MaRS Revit Project
The BIM Lab
The Advanced Prototyping Lab
Introducing the Green Building Centre
Building Sciences Lab
Building Materials Lab
Building Automation Lab/Business Accelerator
“Light-up purses and smart lamps evolve from research projects.” The Globe and Mail Featured Report on Colleges.