Research infrastructure for epidemiological studies using the Québec BCG vaccination registry

Université du Québec - Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), Quebec, Québec
What the facility does

Population Health, Epidemiology, Vaccination

Areas of expertise

The registry includes some 4 million records of pre-vaccination skin tests and vaccination events that occurred in the province from 1926 to 1993. Each entry includes information about the skin test (type, date, and skin reaction), the current vaccination (type, date) and previous vaccinations (date), as well as  the institution or region where the vaccination occurred.

CFI funding paid for the computerization of the original paper format registry. A searchable database was created and stored on a server, enabling authorized research personnel to easily access the data. Our research team has demonstrated that the resulting electronic registry is very thorough and accurate, and it can be successfully linked with other administrative databases.

The data that was made available in electronic format through this infrastructure can now be used in large scale research projects on population health.

Research services

Within the context of the research projects enabled by this CFI infrastructure, the computerized version of the registry is used for data processing and cleaning, generating statistics about the population, and producing historical reports on the provincial tuberculosis prevention program (1949–1974). Moreover, multivariable regression analyses are performed in order to study indirect and long-term effects of the vaccine on inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Finally, the infrastructure is at the core of many students’ training (B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D.).

Sectors of application
  • Healthcare and social services

Equipment in use



Data storage, management, and backup

Shared data access for authorized research team members

Electronic version of the registry (computerized database)

Database within a FileMaker interface

Enables data consultation and cleaning

Enables data exportation to various statistical software programs


Enables consultation and analyses of registry data

  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research
  • Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Santé
  • Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute
  • Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
  • Institut de la statistique du Québec
  • Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec



Research team’s website presenting the infrastructure

« Planète INRS » webzine, De l’héritage d’Armand Frappier et de millions d’enfants vaccinés

Interview for the radio broadcast « L’après-midi porte conseil », Radio-Canada…

Interview for regional TV (Laval), Dr. Frappier’s induction into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame