Motor Behaviour and Physical Activity Laboratory

Ontario Tech University (University of Ontario Institute of Technology), Oshawa, Ontario
What the facility does

Research on adapted physical activity, children, youth, and adults with developmental disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, motor skill interventions, physical activity interventions.

Areas of expertise

The Motor Behaviour and Physical Activity Laboratory aims to examine the relationship between physical activity and fundamental motor skills. In particular, the lab conducts research pertaining to the impact of physical activity on individuals with developmental disabilities.

The facility’s primary focus is to examine the development of motor skills over time, identify potential delay or difficulties, and examine factors that may influence motor development. In addition to its expansive research efforts, the lab designs and implements physical activity interventions tailored specifically for individuals with autism spectrum disorder.

The Motor Behaviour and Physical Activity Laboratory is dedicated to advancing understanding of the impact of physical activity on individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions, and pursuing initiatives that will improve their quality of life.

Research services

The facility is well-equipped for research on adapted physical activity, especially as applies to children, youth, and adults with developmental disabilities. It aims to research the relationship between developmental disabilities and physical activity.

The lab is also designed for the development and implementation of motor skill and physical activity interventions along with motor and developmental assessments.

Sectors of application
  • Education
  • Healthcare and social services



Noldus MediaRecorder

Video recording system for entire space.

Noldus Observer XT System

Software for behavioural research. Detailed behaviour analysis of video.

Physical activity play toys

Allows for motor skill interventions for children with and without disabilities.

  • Grandview Children’s Centre


Dr. Meghann Lloyd, Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences.

OntarioTech Health Sciences Labs.