Modern Literature and Culture Research Centre

Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Ontario
What the facility does

Research on the literary and cultural production of the modern era, women’s heritage, Canadian heritage, and war.

Areas of expertise

The Modern Literature and Culture Research Centre (MLC) is a collaborative research environment that uncovers the lasting legacy of the modern era’s art, literature, and culture, while forming interdisciplinary bonds among students, professors, and experts in a wide range of disciplines. Cutting-edge word and image processing technology, a collection of archived materials, and a vast digital image and research database with nearly 5,000 records support a team of researchers and professionals at the MLC under the supervision of Dr. Irene Gammel. Special events, symposiums and exhibitions hosted in our gallery space at 111 Gerrard St. East extend our work to our neighbours in Toronto, students and faculty members at Toronto’s universities, and scholars from across Canada. As a leading source of modernism news, research, and discussions online, our social media stories reach more than 800,000 global users every month.

Research services

Biographical, historical, and cultural research services, digital and material archiving and archived collections, image scanning and restoring services, transcription services, online outreach, exhibition space

Sectors of application
  • Arts and cultural industries
Specialized labEquipmentFunction
Modern Literature and Culture Research CentreMacBook Pro laptop computers (10)Facilitate online research, writing, and the processing of historical materials
  iMac desktop computerPower database development, storage, and access

Panasonic AG-AC160AP


Create high quality video recordings for research outreach
 Canon EOS 7DCreate high quality images of research materials, historical artifacts, and research outreach
Modern Literature and Culture Research Centre and the MLC Research and Innovation ZoneMac Pro desktop computers (2)Power database development, storage, and access, image archiving, and image and video processing
 Thunderbolt Displays (10)Facilitate database development and access, image and video archiving and processing, and research outreach
 Epson Expression 10000XL scanners (2)Facilitate scanning and archiving of historical materials
MLC Research and Innovation ZoneGlass Vitrines (4)Hold and exhibit historical materials for research outreach
 Smart BoardFacilitate interactive presentations, video conferencing, and research outreach
  • Canada Research Chairs Program
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
  • Art Gallery of Ontario
  • Canadian Centre for the Great War (Montreal)
  • Dorset Fine Arts (Toronto)
  • McCrae House (Guelph Museums)
  • Modernist Studies Association
  • Pavilion Gallery Museum (Assiniboine Park)
Honouring our history, heritage and heroines – Irene Gammel, Ryerson University
A Video Tour of the MLC
Archival Book Preservation Techniques
Florine Stettheimer’s Multimodal Modernism: MLC Symposium and Soirée at the Art Gallery of Ontario  
Communication and Culture Graduate Students Support Each Other at the MLC
Contested Lands: Canadiana at 150  Exhibition  
Taking the Pissoir? Talking Baroness Elsa and Duchamp with BBC