High-Performance Greenhouse Complex

Université Laval, Québec, Québec
What the facility does

Greenhouse growing, irrigation, sustainable development, confinement, biopesticides

Areas of expertise

The high-performance greenhouse complex is a reference in terms of research infrastructure. Its facilities are among the most sophisticated in Canada and North America. Recognized for their energy efficiency, they enable highly precise, automated control of the greenhouse climate and considerably reduce environmental emissions. The infrastructure contributes to cutting-edge research in the fields of greenhouse production (cropping systems and greenhouse environments, peat growing substrates, phytoprotection, agri-environment), genomics (tree genomics and forest pathogen genomics) and biotechnology (plant biotechnology and crop genomics). The confinement greenhouses enable Plant Pest Containment Level 2 (PPC-2) tests. The greenhouses and related equipment are used by both university and private researchers.

Research services

Greenhouse growing tests (market-garden and ornamental plants), phytoprotection tests, development of sustainable development technology, development of new horticultural products.

Sectors of application
  • Agriculture, animal science and food
  • Chemical industries
  • Clean technology
  • Construction (including building, civil engineering, specialty trades)
  • Consumer durables
  • Education
  • Energy
  • Environmental technologies and related services
  • Fisheries and aquaculture
  • Forestry and forest-based industries
  • Mining, minerals and metals
  • Policy and governance
Specialized labEquipmentFunction
High-performance greenhousesEight 150-square-metre compartments for growing on tables or slabsTesting of long-duration crops under permanent climate control
 One 50 m2 compartment for growing on tablesTesting of long-duration crops under permanent climate control
 Fertilizer recovery and recirculation systemClosed-loop work and reduction in inputs
 Rainwater recovery systemUse of rainwater for all steps in greenhouse growing
 Nutrijet fertilizer mixer (per volume or according to EC and/or pH)Use of rainwater, tap water and reverse osmosis water to make fertilizers
PPC-2 confinement greenhouses (up to PPC-3 in the winter)Six 50-square-metre compartments and two 75-square-metre compartmentsPathogen tests and tests of new biological and chemical products under development
Forestry greenhousesSix 25-square-metre compartments and two 50-square-metre compartments 
 Propagation tunnel 
Technology transfer greenhouses (ITA Saint-Hyacinthe)Four technology-transfer greenhouse compartments 
Growth chambersFour Conviron PGW40 growth chambers1.5-square-metre chambers with a range from 4°C to 45°C, with T5 lamps and possibility to connect light emitting diodes  “LEDs”
 Plant dryersNine dryers of various sizes for grains and plants of all sizes
 MillsDry plant material grinders
  • Harnois
  • Hortau
  • Ferme Onesime Pouliot
  • Nature canneberges
  • Canneberges Bieler
  • Veg-Pro