Industrial Automation Laboratory

The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia
What the facility does

Design, development, control, monitoring and diagnosis of mechatronic industrial systems, including robots

Areas of expertise

This is a fully networked and integrated laboratory for research and industrial applications in machine health monitoring, intelligent supervisory control and automated design evolution.

Research services

Machine health monitoring Intelligent supervisory control, Automated design / sensing / actuation / control instrumentation

Sectors of application
  • Automotive
  • Defence and security industries
  • Education
  • Healthcare and social services
  • Information and communication technologies and media
  • Manufacturing and processing



Industrial fish-processing machine

Automated cutting of fish

Fixed-base, multi-jointed robots

Used in multi-robot applications

Mobile robot platforms

Used in multi-robot applications

Multi-fingered and instrumented robot hands

Used in multi-robot applications

Haptic teleoperation masters

Multi-jointed master devices to operate remotely located robots

Sensor jacket for telemedicine

A multi-sensor jacket worn by a patient enables a physician to remotely examine, diagnose and prescribe for the patient

  • International Hi-Tec Industries
  • Structa Wire Corp.
  • Xiamen University (China)
  • National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
  • Pennsylvania State University (U.S.A.)
  • University of Hertfordshire (U.K.)
  • National University of Singapore