University of Calgary Behavioral and Experimental Economics Laboratory (CBEEL)

University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta
What the facility does

Conducts research in behavioural economics and decision-making, using methods from experimental economics

Areas of expertise

The University of Calgary Behavioral and Experimental Economics Laboratory (CBEEL) provides an ideal environment for conducting computer-aided experiments in decision-making, behavioural economics and social science experiments. Through this lab, we are able to test decision-making processes, the psychological foundations of decision making, policy instruments and the design of market interventions. Previous research conducted in the laboratory has explored topics of environmental regulation, property rights institutions, and the role of affect in decision-making (with an eye towards decision-making under risk and over time).

Research services

Social sciences and humanities, environment Computer-aided experiments

Sectors of application
  • Arts and cultural industries
  • Consumer durables
  • Consumer non-durables
  • Education
  • Energy
  • Environmental technologies and related services
  • Financial services and insurance
  • Fisheries and aquaculture
  • Forestry and forest-based industries
  • Healthcare and social services
  • Management and business related services
  • Policy and governance
  • Professional and technical services (including legal services, architecture, engineering)
  • Tourism and hospitality
  • Utilities
Specialized labEquipmentFunction
CBEEL lab 136 computer stationsParticipant stations for experiments
CBEEL lab 222 computer stationsParticipant stations for experiments, data analysis workstations
  • Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Department of Finance
  • Employment and Social Development Canada