Alma Aquaculture Research Station

University of Guelph, Elora, Ontario
What the facility does

Our mission is to contribute to the economic and environmental sustainability of the aquaculture industry by integrating research and extension activities

Areas of expertise

The Alma Aquaculture Research Station is a state-of-the-art aquaculture research and development facility which is the backbone of the Ontario Fish Production Research Program, providing up-scale systems for aquaculture researchers at the University of Guelph and other institutions. The research station also has quarantine facilities for the controlled importation of exotic species or news strains of fish and recirculation facilities which allows for the control of water temperature. Additionally, the station functions as a venue for education, training, equipment demonstrations and technology transfer to the private sector. Tours demonstrate aquaculture to the government and academic communities as well as to educate students and the public.

Research services

Since opening in 1993, more than 180 research projects have been conducted at the station in fields ranging from reproduction, breeding, genetics, nutrition, physiology, health, welfare, husbandry, waste management and systems design.

Sectors of application
  • Agriculture, animal science and food
  • Fisheries and aquaculture
Specialized labEquipmentFunction
Quarantine FacilityBiosecure facilityAllows for the controlled importation of exotic species or news strains of fish
Recirculating Aquaculture SystemsRecirculating aquaculture systems  (3)
  • Three identical recirculating aquaculture systems for comparative trials
  • Allows for control of environmental parameters including water temperature and dissolved oxygen in rearing systems
  • Ontario Aquaculture Association
  • Ontario Animal Health Network