Cell Biology and Image Acquisition (CBIA) Core Facility

University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario
What the facility does

Provides state-of-the-art advanced microscopes, image-analysis tools and technical support to facilitate microscopy-based research

Areas of expertise

The Cell Biology and Image Acquisition (CBIA) Core Facility provides state-of-the-art advanced microscopes, image-analysis tools and technical support to facilitate your microscopy research. We offer consultations to determine the most appropriate microscope for your specific needs and the proper design of your experimental set-up. In addition, we provide comprehensive training and follow-up sessions for all first-time users, ensuring optimal use of the imaging systems.

Research services

Live-cell imaging, confocal microscopy, fluorescent microscopy, wide field microscopy, super-resolution imaging, image analysis.

Sectors of application
  • Environmental technologies and related services
  • Life sciences, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment
Leica TCS SP5-STED confocal microscopeConfocal optical sectioning, co-localization analysis, Z-stack, 3-D projection, epifluorescence/DIC for ocular viewing, super-resolution imaging
Zeiss LSM 510 AxioImager M1 confocal microscopeConfocal optical sectioning, FRAP, FLIP, FRET, co-localization analysis, Z-stack, 3-D projection, tile-scan, epifluorescence/brightfield/phase contrast/DIC for ocular viewing
Zeiss LSM 800 confocal microscopeConfocal optical sectioning, FRAP, FLIP, FRET, co-localization analysis, Z-stack, 3-D projection, tile-scanning, live-imaging. Diode lasers: 405nm, 488nm, 561nm and 640nm
Zeiss LSM880 with Airyscan FAST-confocal microscopeConfocal optical sectioning, FRAP, FLIP, FRET, co-localization analysis, Z-stack, 3-D projection, spectral detection, Super-Resolution detector: AiryScan, suitable for live imaging when coupled with the FAST module. Diode Lasers: 405nm, 561nm, and 639nm. Argon laser: 458nm, 488nm, 514nm
API DeltaVision Elite Widefield Deconvolution MicroscopeFluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET), Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), live imaging, stitching.
Sartorius Incucyte Zoom Analysis SystemHigh throughput live imaging: bright field, fluorescence (green, red)
Zeiss Axio Observer 7 Inverted MicroscopeWidefield, fluorescence imaging from 340nm to 710nm, color imaging, polarized light imaging
Zeiss SteREO Discovery.V20 Modular Stereo Microscope with Motorized 20x ZoomStereoscope 20x, bright field, fluorescence (green, red, far red)


Not just a pretty picture: Cell Biology and Image Acquisition core opens up new possibilities for your researchhttps://med.uottawa.ca/en/news/not-just-pretty-picture-cell-biology-and-image-acquisition-core-open…
Keeping research infrastructure green: A nod to the efforts that CFI-funded labs are making to reduce their environmental impact.https://www.innovation.ca/projects-results/research-stories/keeping-research-infrastructure-green