Centre for Learning, Social Economy and Work

University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
What the facility does

The Centre for Learning, Social Economy and Work (CLSEW) is an umbrella organization for research on the social economy and on work more generally, including volunteering. 

Areas of expertise

CLSEW specializes in research on nonprofit organizations, co-operatives and workplace learning 

Sectors of application
  • Education
  • Information and communication technologies and media

Name of equipment

Description of function

Dell OptiPlex 755 (5)

Lab work stations

Dell PowerEdge 2950 (2)

Server – data security and management

Panasonic P2 Card, Lacie 2 TB

Mobile equipment used for offsite collaboration and integration of video and data management

Adobe Creative Suite, Apple Final Cut Pro, Roxio Toast Titanium

Professional video editing and capture software

NVivo (6)

Powerful software for qualitative data analysis, and advanced qualitative research

SAS software (6)

BI and data management software

  • Volunteer Toronto