Crystal Growth Laboratory (UVic-CGL)

University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia
What the facility does

Materials science and engineering. The facility allows the growth (production) of bulk single crystal materials that have used in various electronic and optoelectronic device developments.

Areas of expertise

The Crystal Growth Laboratory at the University of Victoria has the facilities to bring material production processes from concept to commercial application. The laboratory has growth platforms that cover most crystal growth techniques. The growth of optical, superconducting and semiconductor materials are all feasible. There are a number of growth systems that can be used to grow semiconducting materials like CdTe, CdZnTe, SiGe and GaSb. These materials are used in the development of medical imaging (like gamma detectors as CAT scan, x-ray detectors), security, high mobility and thermal energy conversion devices. The facility also allows to carry out crystal growth experiments under magnetic fields.

In addition to the growth platforms, supporting services covering the refining of materials, large superconducting magnets for simulation of microgravity, rotating magnetic fields for induced stirring, materials preparation and characterization are all available.  All the facilities above can be supplemented with numerical modeling and simulation of the processes. The Laboratory is available for contract work to investigate any of these or related areas. The Laboratory has a strong history of working with industry in the materials-processing sector across a wide variety of subjects. In addition to industry, the Laboratory has provided a wide variety of materials to other researchers in collaboration. Some recent projects have included THM and VGF growth of CdTe and CdZnTe, solidification and structure of aluminum alloys, mass transport in SiGe crystal growth, zone refining of Te, and synthesis of CdTe.

Research services

Crystal growth, modeling and simulation, refining, process design and development, bulk semiconductor processing, solidification processes, characterization

Sectors of application
  • Defence and security industries
  • Healthcare and social services
  • Manufacturing and processing
High temperature tube furnacesSix multi-zone tube furnaces with varying zone layouts and bore size. Temperatures up to 1250C.
3T superconducting magnetSpecialized magnet capable of housing tube furnace within the bore. Allows for the simulation of microgravity in molten material.
THM furnacesThree THM furnaces of varying configuration and bore size.
Solidification furnaceSpecialized furnace that allows in-situ monitoring of solidification interface through IR camera.
Clean roomClass 10000 Clean room space for material preparation and processing. 
Cutting and PolishingA wide variety of saws and polishing equipment is available for processing of materials.
Zone RefiningA three-zone research system for purification with electric current transport and rotating magnetic field capabilities.
  • 5N Plus Inc.
  • Aselsan AS
  • DA Scientific Equipment Ltd
  • Shizuoka University
  • Osaka University
  • Middle East Technical University (METU)
Dr. Sadik Dost explains his research and applications
Description of Dr. Dost research interests as a Canada Research Chair