Metabolomics and Cellular Physiology Core Facility of the Centre de recherche du CHUM

Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CHUM), Montréal, Québec
What the facility does

Bioanalysis service for quantifying metabolites, hormones, peptides and cytokines in cells, tissues and biological fluids.

Areas of expertise

Our mission is to support university and industry research teams in the fields of metabolomics and cellular physiology, by providing small-molecule quantification services. More specifically, our metabolomics services focus on quantifying metabolites in tissues, cells and biological fluids, using mass spectrometry (targeted metabolomics). Over the years, we have developed expertise in metabolic diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes, with simultaneous quantification of various metabolites (lipids, nucleotides, organic acids, amino acids, etc.) in different tissues. The core facility also quantifies analytes, hormones, peptides and cytokines present in plasma and serum samples by means of ELISA and AlphaLISA, as well as in tissues by immunohistochemistry. In addition, the facility has an analyser to measure glycolysis and mitochondrial respiration, as well as a high-content cell imager (PerkinElmer Operetta) to monitor cellular phenotypic changes using fluorescent dyes.

Research services


  • Quantification of water-soluble metabolites and lipids in tissue samples, cells and biological fluids, using mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)

Cellular physiology

  • Quantification of hormones, peptides, cytokine, etc., by ELISA/AlphaLISA
  • Morphometry and quantification of cell mass, proliferation and apoptosis, by immunohistochemistry
  • Analysis of O2 consumption, CO2 production and glycolysis flux, using a Seahorse XF24
  • Cellular activity measurements (migration, apoptosis, proliferation), using high-speed fluorescent imaging 
Sectors of application
  • Life sciences, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment



ABSciex Q4000

LC-MS/MS detector

ABSciex 6500

LC-MS/MS detector

ABSciex 6600

LC-MS detector with Selexion

PerkinElmer Envision

Multifunction plate reader

PerkinElmer Operetta

High-speed fluorescent imaging system

SeaHorse XF24

Analyser (O2, CO2, glycolysis)

Aperio slide scanner

Slide digitization

HPLC 1200 Agilent


HPLC 1260 Agilent




CRCHUM scientific core facilities