Connelly Laboratory for Organizational Behaviour Research

McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario
What the facility does

Research on changing workplaces and understudied workers.

Areas of expertise

At the Connelly Laboratory for Organizational Behaviour Research, we study how workplaces are changing and how employees are reacting to these changes. We focus on workers who are often overlooked: part-time workers, independent contractors, temporary employees (“temps”), mobile workers, temporary foreign workers and workers with disabilities.

By providing a space dedicated to organizational behaviour research, our lab fills an important need. Even though workplace dynamics play a huge role in people’s lives, they aren’t always well understood. We develop hypotheses and test them by running experiments or by analyzing data from workplaces. This helps us answer questions like:

  • What best encourages collaboration with colleagues, and sharing knowledge and skills? What discourages collaboration and knowledge sharing?

  • How can people who occupy leadership positions sustain their own focus and health while still fulfilling their responsibilities towards colleagues, employees, and mentees?

  • What are the true costs and benefits of hiring non-permanent workers?

  • How can employees with disabilities thrive in the workplace?

Understanding these dynamics helps create workplaces that foster and make use of employees’ strengths, and that become healthier, happier, and more fulfilling for people to work in.

Research services

We have the expertise and tools to pursue ambitious, empirically-grounded, research projects:

  • Our lab offers a dedicated space for running organizational behaviour experiments. In addition to a large open area, the lab contains separate rooms for intake and debrief of study participants. Made up of modular work areas, the space can be modified to meet the requirements of different experimental designs.
  • We have a range of specialized equipment including bio-signal monitoring equipment, and equipment for audio- and video-recording participants unobtrusively and for analyzing experiments.
  • We have the capacity to run large-scale online surveys, with expertise in survey design, protocols in place for data storage, and advanced methods for analyzing survey data.
  • We conduct cost-benefit analyses of workplace practices.
  • We can help design workplace interventions, either to build strengths or to alleviate problems.
Sectors of application
  • Healthcare and social services
  • Information and communication technologies and media
  • Management and business related services
  • Policy and governance
  • Professional and technical services (including legal services, architecture, engineering)



Intake and debrief rooms, main experimental space with chairs, tables, dividers, laptops, video cameras, microphones, blackout blinds, lights

Collection of experimental data at computer stations, data from workplace simulations, questionnaire data.

Assistive devices such as wheelchairs and other mobility aids, specialized office equipment (keyboards, mice, monitors, ergonomic seating), wheelchair accessible tables

Data collection on disability in the workplace.

SPSS Statistics

Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software for data analysis.


Statistical modeling program software for data analysis.


Qualitative data analysis computer software package.

g.USBamp 16-channel multi-modal biosignal amplifier

Biosignal equipment to measure participant stress.