Microwave Imaging Facility

McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario
What the facility does

Microwave imaging applied to medical diagnostics, concealed weapon detection and nondestructive testing

Areas of expertise

Developing microwave data acquisition hardware and image-reconstruction software to perform imaging and detection.

Research services

Testing, prototyping of microwave imaging equipment.

Sectors of application
  • Defence and security industries
  • Education
  • Life sciences, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment
  • Utilities
Specialized labEquipmentFunction
Microwave Imaging FacilityPrecision planar and rotary scannersData acquisition over surfaces surrounding inspected object
 Vector network analyzers and RF switchesAcquiring microwave signals in the frequency domain
 Arbitrary waveform generatorGeneration of radar waveforms for measurements in the time domain
 High-speed oscilloscopeDirect time-domain measurements of radar signals
 Computational clusterHigh-speed electromagnetic modelling and signal processing
 Suite of electromagnetic simulation softwareModelilng, algorithm testing and verification, antenna design.