Queen’s Muscle Physiology Lab

Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
What the facility does

Molecular studies of human and animal muscle and adipose tissue

Areas of expertise

We study the impact of energetic stressors, like exercise, on systemic function, along with changes in adipose and muscle tissue. Our primary focus is on human function and tissue.

Research services

Basic molecular techniques (western blotting, spectrophotometric and phosphorescent assays etc.), whole body testing of health and fitness, blood sampling/ muscle and adipose tissue biopsies from human study participants

Sectors of application
  • Healthcare and social services
MOXUS metabolic cartThe metabolic cart is capable of measuring oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide production, and heart rate at rest and during exercise in humans
Alpha Innotech FluorChem H2D SystemGel doc (Western blotting). High-resolution membrane/gel imager.