The Centre for Phenogenomics (TCP)

Sinai Health System, Toronto, Ontario
What the facility does

Provides custom mouse model creation, preclinical in vivo research services, comprehensive or disease-area specific phenotyping and pathology and biorepository services

Areas of expertise

The Centre for Phenogenomics conducts and enables groundbreaking research and discovery, with the goal of advancing human health. Our facilities and our ability to generate, hold, analyze, archive and distribute a critical mass of mouse models are integrated under one roof to enable the best science supported by the best infrastructure and access to our collective expertise.

Research services

Custom mouse model generation, breeding services, preclinical models and services, phenotyping services, pathology services, cryopreservation and recovery services

Sectors of application
  • Life sciences, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment
Specialized labEquipmentFunction
Model Production

ES cell culture facility


Transgenic Core facility equipped with microinjection stations


Molecular biology equipment including robotics


Transgenic Surgery suite in the strict barrier of animal facility

Gene targeting in embryonic stem (ES) cells


Preparation of ES cells for aggregation or microinjection to generate chimeras


Derivation of novel ES cell lines


Mouse embryo culture


Generation of chimeras (from ES cells) by aggregation and microinjection


Transgenic and Cas9 mediated mouse production by pronuclear injection


Preparation of reagents for microinjections & genotyping including Cas9 founders


Embryo transfer surgery of manipulated embryos and rederivation of mouse strains into SPF status


Animal Holding

SPF exclusion barrier mouse holding facility


Biosafety Containment Level 2 holding facility


Quarantine mouse holding facility


Whole-body irradiator


Individually ventilated mouse cages and racks (36,000-cage capacity)


Automated robotic cage processing system


Automated and monitored building control systems


Web-enabled Laboratory Information Management System (TCP LIMS)

Custom breeding, weaning and identification


Procurement, importation and exportation


Daily animal care and colony management


Preclinical in vivo research


Husbandry and technical services 


Mouse colony diagnostics and health monitoring

Clinical PhenotypingPurpose-built facilities with state-of-the-art equipment for comprehensive or focused physiological and neurobehavioural phenotyping

Neurological assessment: behaviour, learning and memory, sensory perception


Organ system assessment: metabolic, cardiovascular, pulmonary, musculoskeletal, blood, urinary


Reproductive and developmental assessment: fertility, viability, embryo phenotyping


Gross pathology suite for rodent necropsy


Paraffin histology suite for rodent and larger species tissue processing


Plastic histology suite for undecalcified tissue processing (i.e. bone)


Immunohistochemistry (manual and automated)


Molecular pathology suite (Arcturus PIXCELL IIe and Arcturus XT laser capture microdissection instruments)


Histopathology suite (brightfield and fluorescence microscopes, whole-tissue slide scanner, image analysis)


Beckman AU480 Biochemistry Analyzer

Pathology services for mouse and other laboratory animals for research and drug discovery


Gross pathology, including necropsy, special dissections and macroimaging


Histology, including handling, processing, cutting and staining fixed and frozen tissue


Immunohistochemistry – optimizing new antibodies and routine IHC


Molecular pathology using laser-capture microdissection for isolation and purification of DNA and RNA from captured cells


Histopathology, including image-enabled reporting and whole-tissue slide scanning


Embryonic lethal and neonatal death investigation


Blood biochemistry analysis for 18 different analytes and LIH score

Cryopreservation & Recovery

Large-capacity liquid nitrogen repository equipment


–800C repository equipment

Embryo cryopreservation and recovery


Sperm cryopreservation and recovery


Strain rescue and expansion


Mouse line and ES cell distribution


7T MRI scanner for mice


High resolution specimen X-ray CT-scanner


High frequency ultrasound


Optical projection tomography

Allows high throughput screening of mouse physiology and anatomy


Visualization of microcirculation and bone morphology


Assessment of cardiac function and fetal development in mice


Visualization of early embryo development in mice

  • Mount Sinai Hospital
  • The Hospital for Sick Children
  • TCP Inc.
  • International Knockout Mouse Consortium (IKMC)
  • International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC)