Research Core Facilities

Unity Health Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
What the facility does

Research on biological mechanisms of disease and the development of new treatments.

Areas of expertise

The Research Core Facilities has created an operating model of extensive shared-facility support for basic science research in the Keenan Research Centre. We provide the latest equipment and techniques, in addition to professional training and management. By reducing duplication and increasing usage, the facility offers significant savings, creating a critical mass where cutting-edge equipment and techniques are available to our scientists.

The Research Core Facilities is spread over three floors and includes both common and specialized facilities, such as Flow Cytometry, Molecular Biology, and Histology. Each has a core coordinator whose primary role is to train users and provide technical expertise in the design and execution of scientific experiments. The Research Bioimaging Facility has a variety of basic and specialized equipment for image capture, analysis and display, and two coordinators are available for support.  In addition, a state-of-the-art vivarium is available, providing training and assistance and adhering to the latest guidelines and regulations.

Research services
  • Flow Cytometry Core
  • Histology Core
  • Molecular Biology Core
  • Bioimaging Centre
  • Molecular Pathology Core specialty service
  • Research Vivarium
  • Tissue Bank
  • Microfabrication Core
  • 3D printing
Sectors of application
  • Healthcare and social services
  • Life sciences, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment
Specialized labEquipmentFunction
Flow CytometryMACSQuant analyzers 
 FACSCalibur 1 
 Fortessa X20 
 Molecular devices ImageXpress Micro 
HistologyLeica TP1020 Tissue Processor 
 Leica EG1160Paraffin embedding.
 Leica RM2145 Rotary Microtome 
 Leica RM2235 Rotary Microtome 
 Leica CM1900 Cryostat 
 Leica VT1000 S vibrating-blade microtome 
 Leica Autostainer XL 
 Olympus IMT-2 Microscope 
Molecular BiologyABI ViiA7 
 ABI StepOnePlus 
 ABI Veriti Thermocycler 
 NanoString nCounter 
 Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer 
 Captair RNA/DNA Rolling Clean Hood 
 Eppendorf Mastercycler Gradient Thermocycler 
BioimagingZeiss LSM 700 Inverted Confocal microscope 
 Zeiss AxioObserver inverted microscopeFor live cell imaging.
 Olympus Upright BX50 microscope 
 Nikon Upright E800 microscope 
 Nikon Inverted TE300 microscope 
 iTHERA MSOTMultispectral optoacoustic tomography for in vivo whole animal imaging
 Heidleberg Spectralis (HRA+OCT)For multimodal retinal imaging, adapted for use with rodents.
 Image analysis workstations with advanced software 
Microfabrication and 3D printingClass 10,000 (ISO Class 7) cleanroom space 
 ProJet 3510 HDPlus 3D printer 
 ProJet Finisher ovenFor support material removal.
 Beckman Coulter Counter Multisizer 4 
 Shimadzu UV-3600 UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer 
 Microtrac S3500 particle size analyzer 
 Shimadzu RF-5301PC Spectrofluorophotometer 
  • University of Toronto
  • Toronto Metropolitan University
  • iBEST (Institute for Biomedical Engineering and Science Technology)