Sustainable Agricultural Landscapes Laboratory

The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia
What the facility does

Analysis of the complex ecological processes in landscapes dominated by agricultural production.

Areas of expertise

The production of food, fibre and fuel now dominates much of the terrestrial landscape, consequently altering the flow of nutrients and energy, the availability of clean water and the amount of habitat available for dwindling global biodiversity. The SAL Lab seeks to provide a better understanding of these changes across a diversity of agro-ecosystems and social and economic contexts. A major focus of the lab is to evaluate the multiple environmental impacts and ecological interactions for various agricultural management options. Among the many environmental outcomes of agricultural production, there are likely tradeoffs, but also synergies. Many of these tradeoffs and synergies are best understood at the landscape scale. The SAL Lab thus works to scale analyses from the plot and field to the landscape and beyond.

Research services

The SAL Lab uses Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) to analyze soil, soil amendments (e.g. composts and manures) and vegetation for various chemical and physical properties. The lab also uses cavity ring-down spectroscopy to simultaneously analyze agricultural trace gases: nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), and carbon dioxide (CO2).

Sectors of application
  • Agriculture, animal science and food
  • Environmental technologies and related services
Specialized labÉquipementFunction
Sustainable Agricultural Landscapes LaboratoryPicarro G2208-C custom analyzerCavity ring down spectrometer simultaneous analysis of trace gases (N2O, CH4, and CO2)
 Bruker TENSOR 37 FTIR SpectrometerMid- and near-infrared spectral analysis of soil, soil amendment and vegetation physical and chemical properties
  • BC Ministry of Agriculture
  • Climate Action Initiative
  • Recycling Alternative
  • Earth Renu Energy Corp.