Central Animal Core Imaging and Transgenic Facilities

University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
What the facility does

Live rodent and material imaging using optical, micro-CT, PET, MRI, PET-MRI and ultrasound imaging

Areas of expertise

The Central Animal Core Imaging and Transgenic Facilities (CACITF) was recently established by combining two existing facilities, the Rodent Transgenic Service (RTS) and the Small Animal and Materials Imaging Core Faclity (SAMICF). Integration of these two facilities provides researchers with a single point of access to facilities for developing new genetic models of disease states and applying advanced imaging techniques to these (and other) disease states.  Our facility offers fee-for-service optical (luminescent or fluorescent), micro-CT, PET, PET-MRI  MRI, and ultrasound imaging for small animals and biological or non-biological samples. Our facility includes animal holding suites to facilitate longitudinal imaging studies. 

Research services

Our facility offers transgenic animal and animal imaging services in one dedicated core facility. We provide researchers with a single point of access to facilities for developing new genetic models of disease states and applying advanced imaging techniques to these (and other) disease states. 

Sectors of application
  • Aerospace and satellites
  • Agriculture, animal science and food
  • Arts and cultural industries
  • Chemical industries
  • Construction (including building, civil engineering, specialty trades)
  • Defence and security industries
  • Environmental technologies and related services
  • Fisheries and aquaculture
  • Forestry and forest-based industries
  • Healthcare and social services
  • Life sciences, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment
  • Manufacturing and processing
  • Mining, minerals and metals
Specialized labEquipmentFunction
Micro-CT labSkyScan 1176 micro-CTHigh resolution (up to 9µm) in vivoCT imaging of small animals (rats/mice) and ex vivo imaging of biological and non-biological samples
Micro-PET labSiemens P4 microPETHigh resolution (1 mm) in vivoimaging of PET tracers in small animals (rats/mice/woodchucks)
PET-MR labMR Solutions 7T PET-MRIHigh resolution Pet and MRI imaging of small animals.
Ultrasound labVisualSonics Vevo 2100High resolution in vivo ultrasound imaging of small animals (rats/mice)
Optical imaging labIvis Spectrum optical imagerHigh throughput in vivo fluorescence and bioluminescence imaging of small animals (rats/mice)
  • University of Alberta
  • McMaster University