Nipissing University Research Data Centre

Nipissing University, North Bay, Ontario
What the facility does

Provides secure access to confidential micro data collected and maintained by Statistics Canada which allows researchers to conduct statistical analyses on a wide variety of topics.

Areas of expertise

The Research Data Centre (RDC) is a data analysis computer laboratory that provides secure access in a university setting to Statistics Canada’s confidential micro data files from population and household surveys. Researchers can conduct their own analyses on issues in many different substantive areas including health and well-being, education, physical fitness, work, aging, literacy and numeracy, mental health, ethnicity and diversity, family, retirement and the labour force, immigration, environment, language, disabilities, youth, and crime.

Research services

Data exploration, statistical analysis, confidential micro data

Sectors of application
  • Education
  • Healthcare and social services
  • Information and communication technologies and media
  • Policy and governance
Equipment Function
Secure serversProvides access to Statistics Canada microdata for research and analysis.