Intelligent Fuels and Energy Laboratory (I-FuELs)

University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario
What the facility does

Research in transport phenomena and contribution to the growth of the low carbon and intelligent technology ecosystem

Areas of expertise

Dr. Ofelia Jianu’s research group focuses on all aspects of the development of next generation energy technology including numerical and analytical modeling, design, and non-intrusive experimental methods. Novel methods of entropy-based design of multiphase systems are developed to provide deeper insight in the bubbly mixed flows and flows over surfaces (i.e. transport of momentum), solidification (i.e. energy/heat and entropy transport), and dissolution (i.e. transport of mass). The unique features explored in I-FuELs are the relationships between momentum, energy, and mass transport with respect to entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The prediction of irreversibilities is achieved via in situ experimental methods and validated by analytical and numerical simulation.

Our mission: To deliver top-notch research in transport phenomena (i.e. energy, mass and momentum transfer) that positions Canada as a global leader in intelligent fuels and energy technologies. To grow the low-carbon and intelligent technology eco-system in Canada, which will lead to long-term job growth and sustainable economic development.

Research services
  • Engages in groundbreaking research and delivers innovative contributions by applying entropy and exergy-based methods to improve performance of energy systems and maximize capital utilization.
  • Top-notch research delivers predictors to control transport phenomena in energy systems to improve their overall efficiency.
  • Focused on all aspects of the development of next generation energy technology including numerical and analytical modeling, design, and non-intrusive experimental methods.
  • Conducts research in intelligent fuels generation and utilization such as hydrogen, both experimentally and numerically.
  • Explores inefficiencies in macro-scale projects and delivers emissions and cost reduction solutions.
Sectors of application
  • Energy
Shadow Sizer system composed of a FlowSense EO CCD camera, long range microscope lens capable for application with particles as small as 5 µmApplications: high resolution particle dynamics, flow visualization, bubble mapping, and shadowgraphy applications
Coherent Innova 70 ion laserApplications: flow visualization, microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, laser pumping, and laser doppler velocimetry
ANSYS and COMSOL Multiphysics softwareApplications: analysis and visualisation of fluid flows, materials stresses, heat transfer characteristics, aeroacoustics, thermophysical applications and electrochemistry

Light and atmospherically controlled glove box


For photosensitive and atmospherically dependant experiments
Ballard 1.2 kW Nexa fuel cell stackApplications: Observation of transient fuel, oxidant, pressure and temperature conditions on fuel cell performance
Fume hood with gas supplyTo ensure safety of personnel while preparing samples
  • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
  • Mitacs
  • University of Windsor
  • University of Waterloo
  • Ontario Tech University
  • Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
  • Linamar